Guided by Rachel

I’ll admit, when I first started acupuncture, I wasn’t sure if it was where I should be. It cost money, it took an evening out of my week, and who knows if it would really work. But as the weeks went by, I stopped second guessing my choice. Week and after week, I was continually surprised by the dirt our sessions dredged up within me. The physical ailments I first came in for were really manifestations of the emotional issues I had yet to deal with. As Rachel and I worked together, in a loving, non-judgemental way to uncover what was lying beneath the surface, I experienced some miraculous result. When we first started Rachel told me that acupuncture won’t magically solve all of my problems, but it will change the way I react to them… I now understand what that reading means. I can choose to relate only to the dark side of myself and focus on what’s hurting me, or I can see myself as a human being whose ups and downs are natural and whose light extends beyond the dark. I’ve learned to love myself, tears and all. And I’ve learned how to think positively when hope seems far away.  I can’t thank her enough for the belief she has given me- belief that I’ll be OK no matter what happens in my life. Belief that I am not victim but instead master of my thoughts and feelings. And belief that I am worthy of being loved and giving love. Through it all, Rachel has been a stable, honest force in my life. I relish walking into her office and letting out everything that’s been on my shoulders all week, knowing she won’t judge what I say and she will have some valuable insight. By the end of our sessions I have a clearer grasp on why I was feeling the way I did and what I can do about it in the future. She is truly a gifted healer, and I am so glad I’ve had the chance to be under her guiding hands.

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