Being Grateful

Are you wondering how to gracefully enter the winter months? There are plenty of people who look forward to winter and the colder months. However, if this is not your particular constitution, I want to invite you to use gratitude as a tool to smoothly undergo this inevitable time of year in this part of …

Go Outside… it’s perfect!

Let’s keep this simple. Like any season, this is a miraculously beautiful time of year. Even more so when we allow ourselves to experience it fully with our senses and without judgements. So take a few moments to GO OUTSIDE, put aside your likes and dislikes and your past experiences, look away from your screen, …

Soaking, Sprouts & Krauts

Are you getting the most nutrients possible from your whole foods diet? While I’m busy sprouting little humans, I’m also doing my best to feed our family healthy and nourishing food. I’ll admit that yesterday the kids were so needy that I barely made time to drink water for myself. Then I finally got a …

Greetings from Baby-land

Here I am a month into my maternity leave… amazed at the simultaneous fast and slowness of time… Both kiddos are asleep now so I want to take some time to reach out to you and wish you wellness! As the fullness of spring merges into summertime, I hope that some of your plans are coming to fruition, …

Top Tips for Springtime

Top Ten Tips for Staying Well in the Spring Written by Rachel Kriger, Pediatric & Adult Acupuncturist Derived from the wisdom of the Five Elements 10) Use your power stored up from winter to declare what you want to see happen in your life. Generate feelings of joy and confidence as you see your …