The Healy is a groundbreaking device that harnesses the healing potential of frequencies. It uses a quantum sensor to scan the individual’s imbalances and then delivers individually customized frequency programs through either frequency specific micro current (FSM), or a magnet torus field to the body, or through the quantum field. This process returns our cells back to homeostasis, optimizing and harmonizing our entire system.
With over a hundred programs to support a multitude of conditions, Healy offers multi-level care in a wearable 2 inch by 2 inch device. It supports various ailments such as chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain, migraines, and so much more! It is also used as an alternative, complementary therapy for mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety and includes a varied range of programs that can support hormonal health, gut healing, nervous system nourishment, immune boosting and anti-aging to name a few. Working in the quantum field of all possibilities, the support available is potentially limitless!
Healy was created with the purest of intentions, by inventor Marcus Schmieke, to always be used for the benefit of people, plants and animals. The Healy vision is to empower people to live a healthy, fulfilled and conscious life and to inspire its growing global community to make a continuous positive impact on humanity.
I have personally been using Healy since July of 2022 for myself and in the treatment room. I absolutely love having this healing support for my family as well. If you want to learn more, I recommend watching these videos and please connect with me personally to explore welcoming a Healy into your life. If you prefer to read a pdf, I’ve got that too.
Best contact method is text message: 215-495-3229
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